All in Labour and Employment

Represented Mr. Scott Grant in his Ontario Labour Relations Board Grievance.

As a combustion and air pollution engineer at the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Mr. Grant spent a large portion of his career analyzing air quality and establishing monitoring standards for dangerous air pollutants in Ontario, particularly in Sarnia aka “Chemical Valley.” Concerned over the impact of air pollutants on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Scott Grant spoke out about the dangerous chemical levels near Sarnia, and subsequently experienced reprisals including exclusion and lack of promotion in the Ministry.

Mr. Grant and his wife Cathy achieved a settlement through the Ontario Labour Relations Board mediation process.

Successfully represented Mr. Victor Doyle, MES, MCIP, RPP, before the Public Service Grievance Board. Mr. Doyle is widely considered to be the “architect of the Greenbelt”, but was transferred to a redundant, meaningless research position after speaking with the media about the real numbers behind Ontario’s available land supply. In its October 26, 2018 decision the Board confirmed that the “independence and impartiality of professional advice is a critical part of the service that citizens have a right to expect from their public servants”.